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Selasa, 9 Julai 2019

Persada Perjuangan

Persada Perjuangan

Album : Kedamaian
Munsyid : Zulfan

Masih mekar kenangan indah,
Zaman gemilang islam menjulang,
Ketika rasul ada bersama,
Para sahabat mentadbir dunia,

Zaman nubuwwah era khulafa’,
Islam umpama api membara,
Menerangi ummah dan juga sahabat,
Bahangnya bagai membakar lawan.

Di celah itulah kami mengatur,
Lankah membina sebuah tamadun,
1 barisan 1 perjuangan,
Bersama kita segera tunaikan,
Amanah rasul itu yg utama,

Ayuh semua para mujahid,
Ayuh semua mujahidah,
Mari bersama kita nyalakan,
Bara perjuangan di dalam diri,
Agar tertegak kalimah ilahi.

Dapatkan lirik-lirik nasyid di
eXpresi PENYEGARAN diri

Ahad, 7 Julai 2019

lirik : Bicara Cinta dari Kumpulan nasyid Zulfan

Lyrics: Bicara Cinta : kumpulan Nasyid Zulfan Cinta ilahi cinta sejati membawa bahgia kekal abadi Cinta manusia hanya sementara tika di dunia yang akan fana Cinta wanita membawa kecewa jika tiada restu agama Cintakan harta tangan-tangankan laburkan ia ke jalan Allah Cinta dunia ,cinta dunia untungnya tiada [ Bicara Cinta lyrics found on ] Jika dilupa akhirat sana Cinta ilmu,cinta ilmu ruginya tiada untung dunia,untung akhirat Renunglah wahai teman semua Cinta yang mana pilihan kita Bicara cinta yang kubawakan Jadi pedoman dalam kehidupan Video klip

Selasa, 2 Julai 2019

Sejarah Kumpulan Nasyid Zulfan

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah

Ramai yang tidak tahu sejarah penubuhan satu kumpulan Nasyid yang satu ketika dahulu agak dikenali di negeri Kedah.Lagunya disebut sebut oleh  pelajar sekolah Agama umumnya.Mungkin ada juga pernah menyanyikan lagunya akan tetapi tidak tahu dari mana datangnya kumpulan itu.

Disini ingin saya ceritakan serba sedikit tentang sebuah  kumpulan yang bernama  Zulfan .Kumpulan Zulfan ditubuhkan seawal tahun 2006 diasaskan oleh beberapa anak muda yang ketika itu masih belajar di Maaahad Tahfiz Al Quran- Wal qiraat Kedah yang bersebelahan dengan Masjid Sultanah Bahiyyah .Anak muda yang bercita -cita tinggi dalam berdakwah melalui  nasyid .

Kumpulan Nasyid Zulfan terdiri daripada 6 orang anak muda sebenarnya iaitu saudara Fakrul Radhi
(Vokal UNIC ), Saudara Isham ismail ( vokalis Khayran ),saudara Mhd Khir Rejab ( Ex Munawwar) ( Second Voice)  ,saudara Khairil (RIDA) (Second Voice)  ,saudara Amir Ishak  (Third voice)  dan Saudara Zubir ( Bass) sehingga era 2006 hingga 2010 .Pada tahun 2010 sehingga sekarang masih lagi mengadakan persembahan jika ada permintaan ,akan tetapi tak berapa cukup korum.

Kumpulan Zulfan  yang diketuai oleh Ustaz Isham Ismail  telah menghasil 3 buah  album komersial sendiri iaitu  Album Pertama Rintihan ,Album Kedua Kedamaian dan Last sekali Pelayaran .

Album Pertama Sepenuhnya menggunakan Percussion
Album Kedua Minus One
Album Ketika Minus One jugak..

Dan alhamdulillah kesemua sudah ada karrier masing-masing. Kami mohon doa dari peminat zulfan Permudahkan urusan kami dunia dan akhirat .Amin .Sedikit Coretan Lagu Zulfan

Persada perjuangan
Memori Itu
Bicara Cinta
Ibu               :
Seri Dihati   :



Yang Benar

Mhdkhir Zulfanis



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Terima Kasih

Volvo History in Malaysia

Volvo's history in Malaysia dates back to the early 1960s. Four businessmen from Penang had travelled to Volvo's establishment in Sweden to propose plans to market Volvo cars in Malaysia.[4][5] Volvo granted the group the distributorship rights, and the Federal Auto Company Sdn. Bhd. was founded in March 1960.[6] The first Volvo cars were imported into Malaysia in that same month.[6] Initially, sales were slow-paced, but by 1966, Volvo cars had gained a good reputation in Malaysia, while Federal Auto had expanded their network throughout West Malaysia and Singapore.[7]

The Volvo 144 became the debut model for the Swedish Motor Assemblies plant.[7]
In September 1966, Swedish Motor Assemblies Sdn. Bhd. (SMA) was established as a joint venture on a 50/50 basis between Volvo and Federal Auto.[6][7] SMA was established in response to a government-proposed initiative to set up an automotive industry in Malaysia.[4] Foreign and local companies were granted licenses and incentives to facilitate local assembly of vehicles and manufacturing of vehicle components. Volvo was one of nineteen firms which expressed interest in the project.
Construction of the Swedish Motor Assemblies plant commenced in March 1967 in an industrial estate in Batu Tiga, near Shah Alam.[7] Construction was hampered by the 1967 Suez crisis and other issues, but was completed on schedule in October 1967.[7] The Volvo 144 became the first model to roll-off the SMA assembly line in November 1967.[7] The Minister of Transport, Sardon Jubir, test drove the first Malaysian-assembled Volvo the following month.[8] The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Lim Swee Aun, officially opened the Swedish Motor Assemblies plant on 17 February 1968.[7]
The Swedish Motor Assemblies plant is widely credited as the 'first automobile assembly plant in Malaysia'.[7] However, SMA was preceded by Singapore-based Ford Motor Company of Malaya (Ford Malaya), which began local assembly operations in November 1926.[9] In April 1941, Ford Malaya built Southeast Asia's first fully-fledged automobile assembly plant in Bukit Timah, Singapore.[9] The plant was later renamed the Ford Motor Company of Malaysia (Ford Malaysia), and briefly became Malaysia's oldest automobile assembly plant when Singapore was part of Malaysia (September 1963–August 1965).[10] Additionally, Kelang Pembena Kereta-Kereta (KPKK) had commenced Fiat car assembly in August 1967 at their all-new assembly plant in Tampoi, Johor, three months ahead of Swedish Motor Assemblies.[11] However, the official opening of the KPKK plant took place on 26 February 1968, nine days after SMA's official opening.[11] Nonetheless, both Ford and Fiat assembly plants have since shut down, while the Volvo plant has survived and remains active today.
As a better-equipped model from 1984, there were also the Volvo 240. In the mid-nineties, the Volvo S40 and its wagon version Volvo V40 were introduced. With the takeover by Ford, SMA also began manufacturing Land Rover Defenders. From 1999 until the spring of 2010 the plant was part of Ford Motor Company.
The first model of the new millennium in 2001 came the luxurious Volvo S60 added. This Volvo ran into the Malaysian market for the first time in the upper middle class. Two years later, it was followed by the Volvo S80and SUV Volvo XC90. In 2004, after all, the S40 was replaced by its second generation. The combined Volvo V50 was only added in the following year. In July 2006, the coupe-convertible Volvo C70 debuted. In 2008 it was followed by the Volvo C30. The old S80, which still was manufactured here in the first generation. With the new joint venture Indobuana Autoraya, this model was exported to Jakarta, Indonesia. The replacement came in April 2010 by the current model of the type Volvo AS.
Up to 6000 units per year are manufactured in the Malaysian plant, with approximately 500 employees working in two shifts. The site comprises a total area of 25,000 square metres. Distribution of vehicles is handled by the in-house sales organization, Volvo Car Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.. The vehicles assembled here have vehicle identification number (VIN), with the eleventh position of the assembly plant, a "5". SMA also built parts for VolvoAB and Renault Trucks SAS Truck Commercial.
As of Q1 2016, only the V40V60S60 and XC60 remain in production.[12] Production of the first generation XC90 ceased in September 2014, while the last S80 unit rolled off the line in August 2015.
Volvo Car Manufacturing Malaysia commenced local assembly of the second generation XC90 in May 2016, making it the first plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) to be assembled in Malaysia.[13] The locally assembled (CKD) XC90 T8 Twin Engine was formally launched on 1 June 2016, approximately six months after the debut of the fully imported (CBU) XC90.[14][15] VCMM's 50-year-old Shah Alam plant is the first and currently only plant to assemble the new XC90 outside Sweden.[15] Volvo had greatly invested in the plant's infrastructure to handle to the company's new Scalable Product Architecture (SPA) platform. The locally assembled XC90 was granted EEV status and significant tax exemptions, allowing it to be priced well under its fully imported, non-hybrid/EV competitors.[13] In terms of specifications, the CKD XC90 is almost identical to the CBU XC90, with differences being limited to paint options and other cosmetic changes.[15] VCM will export the new Malaysian-assembled XC90 to neighbouring Thailand, and the company has also announced plans to assemble the upcoming S90 in the near future.[13]
Local assembly of the new Volvo S90 commenced in June 2017. VCMM currently assembles two variants of the S90, namely the T8 Twin Engine plug-in hybrid and D4 Momentum diesel respectively.[16] In August 2017, VCMM began exporting both Malaysian-assembled S90 models to Thailand.[16]


  1. ^ "Volvo Car Group Annual Report 2016" (PDF). 14 June 2017. Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 June 2017. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  2. ^ Daniel Khoo (20 October 2012). "Volvo chooses Malaysia as Asean manufacturing hub"The Star Online. Archived from the original on 21 October 2012. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  3. ^ "Volvo Malaysia appoints Mark Hallum as managing director"The Star Online. 17 July 2013. Archived from the original on 14 June 2017. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  4. Jump up to:a b Chris Ng (7 September 2016). "Take a look inside the oldest car factory in Malaysia Part 1". Archived from the original on 14 June 2017. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  5. ^ Chris Ng (7 September 2016). "Take a look inside the oldest car factory in Malaysia Part 2". Archived from the original on 14 June 2017. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  6. Jump up to:a b c "Million $ expansion"The Straits Times. 26 February 1970. Retrieved 16 June 2017.
  7. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h "Dr. Lim to open first motor assembly plant in Malaysia"The Straits Times. 17 February 1968. Retrieved 16 June2017.
  8. ^ "Malaysia's first Volvo rolls out"The Straits Times. 15 December 1967. Retrieved 16 June 2017.
  9. Jump up to:a b Kartini Saparudin & Nor-Afidah Abd Rahman (5 November 2007). "Ford Motor Company of Malaya (Ford Malaya)". National Library Board Singapore. Archived from the original on 27 February 2017. Retrieved 27 February 2017.
  10. ^ "First motor assembly plant in Malaysia is 38 years old"The Straits Times. 9 February 1964. Retrieved 4 March 2017.
  11. Jump up to:a b "Sultan opens Johore Fiat assembly plant"The Straits Times. 27 February 1968. Retrieved 16 June 2017.
  12. Jump up to:a b "Monthly Production by Maker/Brand in Malaysia, 2009-2016". 2016-06-11. Retrieved 2016-06-11.
  13. Jump up to:a b c Zachary Ho (3 June 2016). "Locally Assembled Volvo XC90 T8 Introduced" from the original on 4 June 2016. Retrieved 4 June 2016.
  14. ^ Chris Aaron (3 December 2015). "Volvo XC90 T8 Twin Engine launched in M'sia, RM454k". Driven Communications. Archivedfrom the original on 4 June 2016. Retrieved 4 June 2016.
  15. Jump up to:a b c Gerard Lye (1 June 2016). "Volvo XC90 T8 Twin Engine CKD launched in Malaysia, RM403,888 for locally-assembled plug-in hybrid SUV". Driven Communications. Archived from the original on 4 June 2016. Retrieved 4 June 2016.
  16. Jump up to:a b Gerard Lye (9 August 2017). "Volvo S90 T8 Twin Engine launched in Thailand – two trims offered, priced from 3.39 million baht (RM437k)"paultan.orgArchived from the original on 12 August 2017. Retrieved 12 August 2017.

Volvo Fest Track Day 2122019